Now That You Have A Chapter 13 Agreement: Tips For Making Your Payments

Once you have chosen Chapter 13, you will need to commit to make your regular payments to ensure that creditors get at least some of what you owe them. Fortunately, there are some techniques you can use to make paying off Chapter 13 much easier. Payroll Control To make sure that you do not default on your Chapter 13 bankruptcy, one option is to select payroll control. This is where the monthly payment for Chapter 13 is deducted straight from your paycheck. Read More 

Two Questions About Your Rights In Debt Disputes

Financial debts can place a tremendous burden on your budget, and if you fall behind on these bills, it is possible for the creditor to take serious legal action against you. In these instances, it is important for you to understand your rights to make sure that they are not being violated. For those that have never had to battle debt collectors, learning the following answers to some routine questions will help you to make informed choices about how to best handle this problem. Read More 

What You Can Expect After Bankruptcy

According to statistics, one in every 55 households filed for bankruptcy in 2005. This number can be very alarming when you think about how many bankruptcies occur every year. People file for bankruptcy for many reasons. It is not always about not having a lot of money. Even if your finances are on par, one major setback, like a medical issue, can end up putting you thousands of dollars in debt. Read More 

Do Your Social Security Disability Income Application Right The First Time To Avoid Delays

The Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) application process is complicated, and a small mistake can disqualify you. The appeals process can be even more complicated and take longer. Get help from a social security disability attorney, like those at Banik & Renner, during your initial application, so you'll avoid these costly mistakes. Reporting an Income That's Too High There are guidelines as to how much income you can have and still be eligible for SSDI. Read More 

3 Steps To Maximize Your Bankruptcy Exemptions

A bankruptcy exemption allows you to keep some of your assets away from the reaches of your debtors. The exemptions you get depend on your state laws, nature of debts and the assets you own. Here is a three-step plan to help you maximize your exemptions: Know What You Have You cannot know what is excerpted and what is not until you know what you own. Therefore, the first step is to identify all your assets. Read More